शेयर मार्किट में आईपीओ , आईपीओ कैसे खरीदें, ipo से कमाई कैसे होती है?,आईपीओ फुल फॉर्म इन हिंदी, IPO full form in share market in Hindi, आईपीओ के फायदे, शेयर मार्केट कैसे सीखे, शेयर मार्केट में पैसा कैसे लगाएं, शेयर कैसे खरीदते है, किस कंपनी का शेयर खरीदे, IPO Shares , Investment in IPO ,Online trading in IPO , stock market IPO Shares , delisting and listing price , first day IPO Listing price – Mostly people in India are interested in growing their money but with the most easiest and legal way , so trading in share market or investing in stock market is a good option for all of them to invest in stocks and make good capital gains out of their investment . People from middle class background find it difficult to make investment and choosing stocks . So , in this article we shall be discussing more about how you can invest in stock market in IPO Shares and how much you can earn with it.
Investing in IPO Shares could be risky or it can also lead to your higher returns than what you expected so , investing in IPO Shares is a good option . What are IPO Listed shares , what is better investing money in IPO or trading stocks of IPO and its linked queries are all solved in this article .
IPO Shares are shares which are listed on a particular date on stock market once their IPO Period is closed . In India , Zomato shares was listed on a price of 144 around and where people invested in the IPO only Rs 72 , it means on the first day of listing the share gave them around 100% return but now the share is trading normally at the price of Rs 82.
IPO Shares once listed can be traded in stock market later also when they show good movements or when they are in news . Trading on news can be risky for small investors which can also raise them good returns.
Once an IPO – Initial Public Offer is announced the stocks are then listed on the stock market and the shares move up or down for a price . Once the stock gets listed on a particular date people can invest in them or can trade in them in the available quantity in the stock market .
The IPO shares are listed on a particular date on which the stock is listed on stock market but on such date the stock does not allow public to enter into the stock as some conditions are placed by SEBI . But later those stocks after few days of listing of the IPO Shares the stock can be traded.
To find what new IPO shares has been listed you can check the news section of money control , IPO Section of moneycontrol.com or you can also get assistance from your demat company to know what is the upcoming ipo or stock listing .
Also , you can type on google about the recent IPO , status of recent IPOs to check what shares has been listed and how much you can invest in such IPOs. The best source of obtaining information about the latest IPOs and stock listings or stock delistings are some scanner websites like CNBC Awaaz and Moneycontrol.com where you can track performance of all those shares.
IPO Shares generally provide an average return of 15 to 20 percent on the days when the shares are listed in the stock market . It might take a week period for the buyers and sellers on such stocks to buy or sell them as they eargerly wait for big movements in the stock.
Also , in the IPO Subscription term huge volumes trade on such stocks from the operator companies and retail segment where the share price fluctuates much giving you better returns.
If you investment minimum Rs 15000 in IPO Stocks which you were going to invest in the IPO for IPO listing gains then you can make it somewhere 30000 or Rs 45000 in a week .
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The basic investment you can start with investing in IPO Shares is Rs 15000 , but in the early days of listing you might not be able to invest money in the stock due to SEBI Guideliness of overtrading or overpricing of the stock . So , you need more amount to invest in the early days to buy huge quantity and later you can exit from the stock booking profits.
On the first day of listing if the stocks moves down by 10% then you should definitely exit from such IPO Share as it will lead to a great loss to you. Never hold an IPO Share which is reducing in price .
Regular shares generally small cap and mid cap shares provide very low return in comparison to IPO Shares even if they are small cap or mid cap. IPO Shares in some cases even gives 50 to 200% return on a single day while it is observed that being risky normal stocks provide only 2% return maximum on a single day.
IPO Shares are new , so people prefer to invest in them considering that their price will move up in future or it will reach more heights. If you hold the existing companies stocks , they might provide you a return of 30 to 50% return in 5 to 10 years which is a very long duration which can be achieved in IPO Shares within months.
IPO Shares are highly risky in terms of investment as such shares might show a big fall or might show a sudden movement after reaching a certain price point . This is because people do not know if the share will move up or down or what will be the movement of the share.
The risk of trading IPO Shares is also that if the stock is overtraded or overinvested by people , then the stock might be blocked for trading or stopped from trading by SEBI to make regular checks for any kind of default or insider trading in the company .
Yes , it is a great opportunity to receive return for upto 30% within a week from IPO Shares. No investment in share market can provide such return so quick .
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So , you might have understood the concept of trading IPO Shares and booking profits in IPO stocks. If you are new to stock market trading or want to learn from basic what is demat and how you can invest in stock market with more profitability , then you can ask us your queries for free in the comment section below.